
Bar charts

Bar charts are very used and the easiest to understand.

Time-based data

Bar charts can be used for other comparisons that are not temporary, but often another graph type is more appropriate.

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Compare time-based data

Compares two metrics trough time, if the number of months / years is not too large. Line graphs can represent more information clearly.

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Positives and negatives

Bar charts can have positive and negative values in both axes. In the example below we compare two sets of data.

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Ránking mundial del aumento de consumo de carbón

2017 / 2016

Horizontal bar charts are more appropriate for comparing data when there is no time factor or when the order of the dimension is important.

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Acumulated data trough time

This charts show how the sum of of different metrics evolves trough time.

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Percentages trough time

When we want to show variation of one or more percentages over time.

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