
Geo charts

Represent data about countries or cities in a map without managing the map’s design. This API automatically represents data in the map.

Countries of the world

Map to present data about countries.

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Countries of Europe

European map to present data about countries.

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Cities of Spain

City map with two scales. One scale works with the bubble size and the second scale with the bubble color.

Please note that this map does not zoom, so it's not the best option if you have many points.

Copy map Docs

Bubbles on a map

Número de sanciones

Nota: Haz click en los circulos para más información. Para que todos los puntos sean visibles se les ha añadido un valor base.

Sometimes you need full flexibility and the best way to achieve it is to draw the bubbles over a real detailed map. This will allow you to focus on a specific region, control the content on the bubbles and mix circles with other elements on the same map.

For more information check the section about maps in this guide.

Bubble map Docs

Please note: the first 3 maps on this page require a Google Maps JavaScript API key. The key used in this page can be used in ** pages and a few development/Greenpeace domains, but it won’t work elsewhere.


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