Add interactive video, interactive images and Google Street map views to a page.
▸ Indexed and interactive video
Sometimes a video is the best way to tell a data-based story.
We can link to certain moments in the video, create interactions and customize the way Youtube shows videos in our website. Look at the sections about global expansion, geo-spatial analysis and tools.
▸ Responsive videos
Sometimes a video needs two versions to work well in large desktop screens and small mobile screens. Having two video sizes also helps placing the video in different layouts: when the video is placed in a large column and the users are viewing it in a large screen, the page will show the large video; in other conditions the page will show the small video.
With this technique the users will always see the video that works best in their viewing conditions.
▸ Loop videos without sound
Please keep the video source as small as possible because some people will have slower connections. Use standard video codecs and containers and host the video in a CDN.
▸ Show a place
When it’s necessary we can insert a Google Street View window in our website. All you need is the initial coordinates and direction.
▸ Difference between two images
To show the difference between two images we can use a script.
▸ Image zoom

To put a large image in the page and zoom it on mouseover and multiple clicks in mobile.
Please note: the Street View widget on this page requires a Google Maps JavaScript API key. The key used in this page can be used in **
pages and a few development/Greenpeace domains, but it won’t work elsewhere.